Saturday 30 July 2016

Worlds weirdest fitness tips and tricks

Take a look at 10 of the most weirdest fitness tips and tricks ever existed

#10 Clothes Make the (Wo)Man

#10 Clothes Make the (Wo)Man

Colour Red has significance even in terms of fitness.Red can increase blood circulation and body temperature, upping the ante on your workout.Red affects the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates body temperature, appetite and energy levels. Reds, as well as oranges, can help get your brain into the zone. Who knew your outfit could get you a better and longer workout?

#9 Take a Picture of What You Eat

#9 Take a Picture of What You Eat

Take a camera or mobile with you and do a quick photo shoot of everything you eat. (And we mean everything.) Even if nobody else sees it, this will get you eating less and higher quality in no time. Be proud of what you put in your body, and the pounds melt away much faster.

#8 Keep Your Hands Cold

#8 Keep Your Hands Cold

Holding a hand-cooling device (such as an ice pack or water bottle) can help you exercise longer. A Stanford study suggests doing this reduces your body temperature and helps you stay comfortable while saving energy for your workout.

#7 Drink WHAT?

#7 Drink WHAT?

Take pickle juice along with you.Drinking pickle juice can help you regain precious sodium lost in a workout. Sodium deficiency can increase cramping. This is great for intense activity in hot weather. If you don't feel nauseous, drink a few ounces after exercising to speed up recovery.

#6 Sweat ≠ Working Like A Turbo Jet

#6 Sweat ≠ Working Like A Turbo Jet

Sweat is part of homeostasis, or the function that allows your body to regulate itself despite changing environments. Perspiration increases in hot temperatures and intense activity, but you're actually sweating all the time. It's not a clear sign that you are burning any calories, however. For instance, sweating in a sauna does not mean you burned more calories than running in cold weather. So quit checking out your pit stains and focus on your heart rate monitor. An elevated heart rate and is the only real indication you're burning fat!

#5 This Isn't A Library

#5 This Isn't A Library

Try putting your hands on your stomach while saying "shhh." Feel the contraction? That is the ab muscles and diaphragm tightening, forcing you to engage your core while breathing, and helping you get more out of each rep (repetition). The louder you shush, the better. It's great for core exercises like squats, push-ups, and Pilates, and it also helps reverse the negative effects of stress, sitting all day and poor posture. This little trick can help increase strength, improve the spread of oxygen in the body, and strengthen the core.

#4 Got it?

#4 Got it?

What combines protein, calcium and antioxidants all in one delicious beverage? None other than your favorite drink as a kid. In a recent study athletes who drank chocolate milk between their workouts performed better in their second one than athletes who drank sports drinks.

#3 Sports Bras Just Prevent Painful Bouncing

#3 Sports Bras Just Prevent Painful Bouncing

High impact activities like jogging and aerobics can stretch the connective tissue that keeps breasts firm. While compression bras work for smaller-breasted ladies, women with a C-cup or larger should pick an encapsulation bra that supports each breast separately. Make sure to replace these every six months - year!

#2 Use The Buzz

#2 Use The Buzz

Ingesting caffeinated drinks and supplements before working out can make a buzz-worthy difference in your workout. Caffeine can help you work out longer and harder (better, faster, stronger) by decreasing muscle pain during exercise. More reps? More time? Bring on the espresso.

#1 Tell Me About It!

#1 Tell Me About It!

Ever notice how in-shape your loud-mouth fitness instructor is? It might have as much to do with their words as their actions. A program called IntenSati has exercisers shout encouraging phrases when you exercise, like "I can do this!" "I got this!" and "I'm a boss!" (Or...whatever works for you.) Repeating affirmational sayings can change your attitude and increase your motivation. Plus, the liberation of shouting out loud can distract you from the fatiuge of an intense workout.

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